Guidance and counseling services are available. The counselor, school psychologist, and staff are available to assist students with their educational and personal needs. The school will refer students to professional services when there is a need for ongoing counseling/therapy, or professional medical intervention.
The school library is opened from 9:00am to 1:00pm. The library has reading books and resource material for students and staff.
The school cafeteria is opened all day for students to purchase drinks and light snacks.
PRC (Personal Resource Center)
The PRC is a multi-functional center which provides the following student services:
- First aid assistance
- Distributes student uniforms, assign lockers and text books
- Academic resource center for students and teachers

The computer resource lab is open from 8:30am to 2:00 pm. Staff and students can coordinate with the computer teacher to schedule usage of the lab for research and other school related work.
Students in grades 6th through 12th are assigned lockers. Student can use lockers to store text books and other school related materials.
The student council is the self-governing body through which students can exercise their right to help make our school a better place, in addition to serving as the voice of student body, the student council also organizes and promotes activities wich contribute to school spirit.
Please report items that have been lost or found to the PRC office immediately. All found items will be kept for one month, at which time unclaimed items will be disposed of or donated to charity organizations.
We offer a program to assist students with their homework with teachers' monitoring. Students pay a low monthly fee for this service.
We offer an optional varied lunch menu for the families that would their children to have lunch at the school during their recess time.
Texas Tech University, College of Education, has been collaborating with O & M Hostos School, Santiago, D.R. The nature of this collaboration is part of an ongoing Memorandum of Understanding with the Universidad Dominicana O & M, in effect since February, 2005, in which the college of Education is providing teacher training, curricular oversight, books and materials, and ongoing professional training for teachers, administrators and supervisory staff at O & M Hostos School.
Texas Tech University recognizes and supervises the curriculum of O & M Hostos School. Texas Tech validates the qualifications of the high school graduates and will accept their admission to Texas Tech University based upon our regular admissions criteria and processes.
The collaboration with Texas Tech assures that O & M Hostos School attains academic excellence in a bilingual education environment in which Dominican students thrive and aspire to contribute to the Dominican society and economic growth of the nation.
Desde el año 2005 el O&M Hostos School ha venido desarrollando un novedoso programa de intercambio académico y cultural con la prestigiosa universidad Texas Tech University, en el cual las catedráticas Peggy Johnson y Katie Button, junto a un vasto equipo de profesores que les acompañan, ofrecen capacitación y entrenamiento en las más modernas estrategias y técnicas de enseñanza a los profesores dominicanos y norteamericanos que forman parte de nuestro staff.Asimismo, los profesores de Texas Tech University comparten con nuestros alumnos en actividades educativas y deportivas, en las cuales tienen la oportunidad de enriquecer la fluidez verbal, vocabulario y conocimiento general del idioma inglés.